
Image result for olive garden

About Olive Garden

Olive Garden begins their story is 1982, with Curtis Dayton and Bill Darden in Orlando, FL. Now in 2019 Olive Garden has 800 restaurants and growing all over the country. While keeping the customers in mind the brand is evolving with new trends while also keeping Italian traditions. For example, they've modernized dishes, refreshed the website, redesign the logo, and remodeling the restaurant. Their goal is to make every guest feel like they are in Modern Italy. In addition, Olive Garden is passionate about being a family restaurant whether that be by relation, by choice, traditional, blended, extended, neighbors, co-workers, and friends. They promote by using the slogan "When you are here, you are family." They even have promotions of dishes to promote togetherness by sharing dishes with one another.  

Image result for olive garden logos

Research Purpose 

  The purpose of this research is to provide a thorough analysis of how the company operates using its current information system and how the system helps the company to achieve its goals. Our team will focus on the positives and negatives of the information system it has in the company. We will also provide ways to improve the information system for Olive Garden.   

Mission Statement  

At Olive Garden, they want to create an experience of warmth and care beyond their restaurant walls and into the community. Their restaurants in the US and Canada pledge to give back through local efforts. For example, they deliver food in times of need and support local non-profits. The types of charities they work with are Hunger Relief, Pasta for Pennies, Red Cross Annual Disaster Giving Program, and etc. 
Image result for hunger relief olive garden

What makes Olive Garden stand out?

Olive Garden stands out because it's part of a chain restaurant, therefore there is a sense of familiarity if you go into a new state there will be always an Olive Garden. It is as well the only chained Italian restaurant. Their biggest competition was Carrabba, and there is not as many of them around only 224 locations in the U.S. Also, the company is always trying to modernize itself, but keeping the Italian aesthetic. In addition, they bring families or groups of people together to share a meal. Furthermore, the restaurant gives back to their community by supporting charities and local non-profits.       

