

Image About Olive Garden Olive Garden begins their story is 1982, with Curtis Dayton and Bill Darden in Orlando, FL. Now in 2019 Olive Garden has 800 restaurants and growing all over the country. While keeping the customers in mind the brand is evolving with new trends while also keeping Italian traditions. For example, they've modernized dishes, refreshed the website, redesign the logo, and remodeling the restaurant. Their goal is to make every guest feel like they are in Modern Italy. In addition, Olive Garden is passionate about being a family restaurant whether that be by relation, by choice, traditional, blended, extended, neighbors, co-workers, and friends. They promote by using the slogan "When you are here, you are family." They even have promotions of dishes to promote togetherness by sharing dishes with one another.   Research Purpose     The purpose of this research is to provide a thorough analysis